Friday, August 24, 2012


to state the obvious.. i have been awful on documenting my fabulous summer. since school is officially in full swing, that means summer is over. ugh! lame! summer was so great! i learned A LOT about life and the importance of every little detail. well close to that. but anyway. i went on a lot of adventures, play dates and hang out with my favorite boy! it was a good summer. wish it didn't end. but time to look forward to fall and everything that comes with it. cheers to a good fall 2012 semester. 
anyway, here are some photos to show bits and pieces of my summmmer! enjoy :) 

so there you have it peeps... one summmmmmmer!

1 comment:

Anna Diederich said...

i love you! and awkward baseball games where we are supposed to know people but really don't. so we bail.