Monday, February 13, 2012

bone to pick.

i can vent all i want. so here i go.
this has been something that just has been irritating me.
it shouldn't bug me. but it does.

a lot of the time when people ask me 'what are you studying?'
i reply of course and say 'photography'
i sit there anxiously and wait for their answer.

i've come to the conclusion that they either respect it or think it's ridiculous.

when they respect it, they think it's really cool that i am doing what i love to do.
when they think it's ridiculous.. they think i could be studying something else. something that has more of 'guarantee' job.

personally, i would rather be doing something that i love to do rather than something that is more 'academic/ guarantee job' and put me through agony the next 4+ years. but if you love to do that stuff, more power to you!! kudos.

even though i am going into an art.. it is still tough. nothing in life comes easy. i am still working hard. it's not something that i can just skim by and get a passing grade. i work hard for my grades. and strive to get the best i can.

i love studying photography.
i know am doing what i love to do.

all i wish is that some people would just respect that. and be accepting that everyone is different. even if they are studying an art.

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