Saturday, April 14, 2012


It has been about two years since I have graduated high school! Holy cow, I still cannot believe it's been that long. Not only that, I can't believe how much I have changed since then.... And only for the better! Well I hope so at least..

Graduation Photo!

And this was just recent!

Besides on how I look, I have changed a lot. When I graduated high school, I would not have guessed how my life is now. Crazy how plans change. But I am so grateful for all of the many choices and decisions I have made to get me to to point.

I thought that I would be at the U studying some communications major just to get it done.
I would have never thought I would be enrolled at the Photography program at SLCC. 
I wouldn't trade ANYTHING for how my life is. 
I know that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
And that is the ABSOLUTE best feeling.

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