this morning i woke up with the feeling of the weight of the world on my shoulders.
all i wanted to do was to back to bed for the rest of the day. and ignore everything.
turn my phone off. take medicine to make my cyst stop hurting and the headache i woke up with. turn the lights off and fall back asleep.
but of course none of that happened. i needed to do something i haven't done in a few weeks.
that particular something is the ultimate therapy for me.
FLANEUR. that is a term i learned last semester from a teacher. it means to wander.
we did an exercise where we went and "flaneur"ed. took our cameras and shot everything and anything. holy cow. can i say relaxing or what??
this morning i decided i needed to get out of bed. i grabbed my camera.... and took pictures in my outside basement doorway thing.. it was yet so simple yet so beautiful. might i add that i didn't give a rats-a about how i looked.
-xnay on the makeup
-hair look awful.
--what can i say? i just woke up!
and let me just add.... that it turned my morning right around.
days like this make me so grateful for photography and the beauty of it.

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