A few weeks ago I got word that Mitt Romney would be coming into town for the anniversary of the 2002 Olympics. He was hosting an ice skating show. And instantly I wanted to go so bad. I looked at tickets and decided it wasn't possible... poor college student.
Earlier this week my best friend, Christine called me and told me her sister has the hook-up for tickets! We were in. Yesterday morning Christine came over and we made t-shirts. Hoping to somehow get Mitt's attention.
The front of our shirts say, "SMITTEN FOR ROMNEY 2012". Yes, clever, I know.
THEN the back has a CTR slogan on it.. then is says, "Choose the Romney"
We were ecstatic about our shirts!! But we had no idea that they would be such a hit :)
We head down to the Gateway for a celebration they had for the anniversary of the Olympics.
OUR SHIRTS WERE A HIT. Honestly, they were complete genius. They caught everyone's attention. Countless people came up to us and asked about them. Not only that, but they took our picture. How cool?!
In the meantime, we got pictures with all of the Olympic mascots and former Governor Mike Leavitt. Go us!!! Wooooooo! We were heading up to the food court to get some dinner before we went to the show, we got stopped by a company who were filming people who have a story of people who have inspired them and then send that video to a campaign. They pulled us aside and wanted us to do it for Mitt Romney. OH MY GOSH! HOW COOL? So we did that :) The video is going to be sent to his campaign!
We head over to the Energy Solutions Arena after dinner and wait patiently for the show to begin. We were wishing so badly somehow we could meet Mitt. Ahhhh. We started to brainstorm our possibilities hoping that fate and destiny would help us... and it definitely did :)
Christine's family friend came up and said they had two tickets on the ice... FRONT ROW! How on earth could we turn that down?? We ran down to those seats. Our hearts were FREAKING OUT. We were so so so excited. We get down there and we literally were in complete awe. How lucky were we. seriously. SO LUCKY.
Mitt came out... and we were on our feet cheering! yay!!! So excited to see him and be down there. He was exactly across from us on the other side of the ice rink.
Intermission came up. We instantly looked at each other and decided to head over. Our hearts were racing. The security lady asked us where our seats were... we pointed across the rink. Pretty sure she could tell that we really wanted to go meet him. And the very nice lady lets us go.
Hearts honestly racing. Completely starstruck. In Awe. There was a huge crowd... and we hoped we could get through.
The crowd opened up... and we were face to face with Mitt Romney! Oh my goodness! He pointed towards us and laughed. He welcomed us with both a huge bear hug. He told us that he was so proud of us and to keep up the good work. LOVED our shirts. Not only that, but he signed them :) Ahhhhhhhhh. We were honestly floating. We walked back to our seats in complete starstruck, in awe, shaking, Christine had tears, freaking out!!!!! WE DID IT. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. We got back to our seats, we waved, and he waved back.
We were seriously on cloud 9. WE DID IT. There were so many people who doubted us. WE PROVED THEM WRONG. ahhhh. I cannot believe it.
At the end of the night, we got back into my car after the show, we looked at each other and screamed!!!!! It was the best night! We worked so hard. And we did it!
I've decided that meeting Mitt Romney was way better than meeting 90% of the Hollywood celebrities.
VOTE MITT- 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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