Thursday, February 23, 2012

I need to start listening to my dreams...

Dreams. My dreams have been nothing but weird lately. 

Yesterday I did some shooting with a film camera.  And in hopes to develop my film the next day. 

Last night I had a dream that all of my film was exposed (which is the worst thing that could happen to your film), it was colored film NOT black and white, and the brand was fujifim (not quite sure why that was bad... but still). I honestly woke up in a complete panic hoping that none of that would happen today. 

BUT................... it did.................


I couldn't believe it. Funny thing about this is that I was talking about this in my class and took my film out of the canister and there was NOTHING ON MY FILM = EXPOSED. ahhhhhhhhhhh.

I realllllllly need to start paying attention to my dreams. ah. OH VEY!

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